Do ECommerce Businesses Need Call Center Services?

Simply put, eCommerce has exploded. In 2020, eCommerce sales increased by 27.6% and accounted for $4.28 trillion in sales. Many people start eCom businesses to either create a profitable side income or a full-time career.

What many merchants don't understand is the place of a call center in an eCommerce business. For many startup eCommerce companies, customer service is non-existent. For some, it comes down to replying to comments on social media posts. 

Today, we'll discuss why an eCommerce company should incorporate call center services and how to outsource. Enjoy.

Benefits of Call Center Services for ECommerce Busineses

Solve a Customer Problem on Time

Imagine a customer who orders from your Shopify store but doesn't get their package delivered. She tries to DM you through your store's IG page, but due to a high volume of messages, you never reply to her. 

One day you make a post and find someone in your comment section, warning everyone not to patronize you. At that point, you are forced to do serious damage control.

If you had a phone number listed, she would have called, and someone would have spoken to her, maybe assured her that her package was on the way, and apologized for the delay. That would have led to an entirely different scenario.

A call center service helps you solve problems before your customers take them to social media and forums like Quora and Reddit.

Make Your ECommerce Business Stand Out and Seem Reliable

Many eCommerce businesses don't offer call center services. Be one of the few that do.

Put up a phone number on your online store and your social media pages. People will be happy to buy from you because they know they can reach someone if something goes wrong.

Create an Avenue To Speak With Your Customers and Gather Data

If you have trained call center agents speaking to your customers, you can make call center services directly generate ROI.

Customers who have a lovely call center service experience are happy to open up about their shopping experiences. They'll talk about your competitors and what they'll like to see you do.

Call center services help you gather raw data from your customers to serve them better.

Increase Brand Awareness

If you successfully establish yourself as an eCommerce brand easily accessible to customers, people are willing to become loyal customers. 

Research shows that people are happy to purchase from a brand again even if the service was poor if they had good customer service. Also, customers are more willing to refer you to their friends and families.

How to Outsource Call Center Services as an Ecommerce Business

Many eCommerce businesses are startups and so cannot afford the cost to run an in-house call center.

Before outsourcing to a call center service provider, make sure they:

  • Have well-trained personnel on staff

  • Are willing to charge you based on how many people call, not a set fee

  • Can come up with ways to conduct calls fast while being high quality

  • Are happy to share data gathered from customers

Vcaretec is a customer and call center service provider that has worked with hundreds of businesses to enhance their customer experience and increase revenue. 

As an eCommerce business, you have the chance to grow a highly accessible brand connected to the customer's needs. Contact Vcaretec today to get a free quote.


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